Turning Point Early Bird Special!!

Coupon Code - TPEB15

Use “TPEB15” coupon code in the checkout page to get 15% off. This offer will be valid till 31st May 2025.

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School Zone Teams

School Zone is a corporate owned business founded in 2007. School Zone has been working hard to serve our customers with all their uniform needs. We specialize in school clothing. We design school logos and our goal is to provide quality uniforms. 

Each school is very unique in their respective uniform requests.

School Zone one of the biggest school uniform providers in Indiana, Georgia, Ohio and Missouri serving over 200,000 students. We provide quality uniforms at a very affordable prices. Our goal is customer satisfaction. Please inquire below:

You tell us. We listen.

Store Locations

5425 N Keystone Ave. Suite 200, Indianapolis, Indiana 46220

5400 River Station Blvd. Suite 108, College Park, Georgia 30349

If You Have Questions? Feel Free To Message Us

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